@ARTICLE{26583204_26653983_2009, author = {A. Kalashnikov}, keywords = {insurance}, title = {Role of Mechanisms of Insurance in Decrease Information Risks}, journal = {}, year = {2009}, number = {3}, pages = {34-40}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2009--3/26653983.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In article problems of use of mechanisms of insurance for decrease in information risks are considered. It is shown, that under certain conditions insurance mechanisms can promote increase in deductions at carrying out of precautionary actions for decrease in risks, including, in the condi-tions of the limited financial resources.}, annote = {In article problems of use of mechanisms of insurance for decrease in information risks are considered. It is shown, that under certain conditions insurance mechanisms can promote increase in deductions at carrying out of precautionary actions for decrease in risks, including, in the condi-tions of the limited financial resources.} }