@ARTICLE{26583204_26654111_2009, author = {A. Gorbounov}, keywords = {, production function, world dynamics, structural equilibrium, supply function, system dynamics, productivity growthTFP}, title = {The Modeling of The Basic Production and Sales Processes. The Concept and the Model of «Industrial Inflator».}, journal = {}, year = {2009}, number = {3}, pages = {48-54}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2009--3/26654111.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article proposes a new approach to the analysis and specification of so called «Medows games» based on the search of fundamental comprehension of productive strength and consumer potential of the society.}, annote = {The article proposes a new approach to the analysis and specification of so called «Medows games» based on the search of fundamental comprehension of productive strength and consumer potential of the society.} }