@ARTICLE{26583204_26652352_2009, author = {A. Kirillov}, keywords = {, citation ranking method, heterogeneous environmentsearch engine}, title = {Search Engines: Components, Logic and Ranking Methods}, journal = {}, year = {2009}, number = {4}, pages = {51-59}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2009--4/26652352.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {This article presents search engine and its components’ construction principles and techniques for ranking results in search engines, with emphasis on citation ranking methods and the PageRank algorithm. The problem of selecting the documents, relevant to a user search query, from a heterogeneous environment such as the WWW is analyzed in detail. The necessity for improving classic information search methods with citation ranking methods is demonstrated.}, annote = {This article presents search engine and its components’ construction principles and techniques for ranking results in search engines, with emphasis on citation ranking methods and the PageRank algorithm. The problem of selecting the documents, relevant to a user search query, from a heterogeneous environment such as the WWW is analyzed in detail. The necessity for improving classic information search methods with citation ranking methods is demonstrated.} }