@ARTICLE{26583204_26647411_2010, author = {K. Statsenko and D. Deryagin and A. Myakutin}, keywords = {OCR}, title = {Classification of Graphic Elements Appearing in Hieroglyphic Documents}, journal = {}, year = {2010}, number = {3}, pages = {57-63}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2010--3/26647411.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Analyzing document structures is a part of the optical character recognition (OCR) process. When performing such analysis, it is necessary to define types of areas found in the image. In this article, the type-defining problem is viewed in the context of hieroglyphic documents, and a method to solve the problem suggested. The method’s testing findings are also presented.}, annote = {Analyzing document structures is a part of the optical character recognition (OCR) process. When performing such analysis, it is necessary to define types of areas found in the image. In this article, the type-defining problem is viewed in the context of hieroglyphic documents, and a method to solve the problem suggested. The method’s testing findings are also presented.} }