@ARTICLE{26583204_33009781_2011, author = {Dmitry Isaev}, keywords = {, performance management system, development program, information support, strategic managemencorporate governance}, title = { Development of information support systems for corporate governance and strategic management}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {2}, pages = {56-62}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--2/33009781.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In the paper the questions of information support systems for corporate governance and strategic management development are considered. Specific features of such systems as management objects are discussed, a methodological approach to their development is proposed. The generic scheme of development program for such systems includes stages of functional modeling (structured description of the system as a whole), dynamic modeling (presentation of the system’s parameters in terms of metrics, taking into consideration their time related changes) and planning stage (scenario choice, formulation of a concept of the system and a general plan for its development).}, annote = {In the paper the questions of information support systems for corporate governance and strategic management development are considered. Specific features of such systems as management objects are discussed, a methodological approach to their development is proposed. The generic scheme of development program for such systems includes stages of functional modeling (structured description of the system as a whole), dynamic modeling (presentation of the system’s parameters in terms of metrics, taking into consideration their time related changes) and planning stage (scenario choice, formulation of a concept of the system and a general plan for its development).} }