@ARTICLE{26583204_44232047_2011, author = {Y. Ehlakov and E. Yanchenko}, keywords = {, competitiveness, application softwareintegrated indicator of competitiveness}, title = {Method of assessment of competitiveness of application software}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {3 }, pages = {10-15}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--3 /44232047.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The paper deals with the competitiveness of an application software product. Algorithm for estimating competitiveness of an application software product based on analysis of existing estimation techniques products. The algorithm includes a set of criteria to assess the procedure for calculating and analyzing the integral index of competitiveness the integral index of competitiveness.}, annote = {The paper deals with the competitiveness of an application software product. Algorithm for estimating competitiveness of an application software product based on analysis of existing estimation techniques products. The algorithm includes a set of criteria to assess the procedure for calculating and analyzing the integral index of competitiveness the integral index of competitiveness.} }