@ARTICLE{26583204_44241920_2011, author = {А. Neznanov and Y. Starichkova}, keywords = {, structural analysis, graph theory, group theory, transitive graphs, generating, symmetry, structural complexity, algorithmsoftware implementation}, title = {Software package for generating families of transitive graps with degree four}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {3 }, pages = {36-44}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--3 /44241920.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The software package for generating infinite and finite families of connected transitivegraphs with degree four is described. Those families cover all known graphs up to30 vertices.Main feature of software is the catalog of families based on the characteristics of symmetry, structural complexity, and visualization of symmetric diagrams of graphs. The package ex­tends the functionality of integrated research environment «Graph Model Workshop» and is used to solve problems that require synthesis of transitive topologies of systems.}, annote = {The software package for generating infinite and finite families of connected transitivegraphs with degree four is described. Those families cover all known graphs up to30 vertices.Main feature of software is the catalog of families based on the characteristics of symmetry, structural complexity, and visualization of symmetric diagrams of graphs. The package ex­tends the functionality of integrated research environment «Graph Model Workshop» and is used to solve problems that require synthesis of transitive topologies of systems.} }