@ARTICLE{26583204_44243024_2011, author = {A. Shabanov and М. Arakelian}, keywords = {, business information system, control, quality of serviceorganizational structure}, title = {Technology of requirements maintenance quality control in organizational structures - mass service providers}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {3 }, pages = {53-59}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--3 /44243024.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In the paper a technology of maintenance requirements quality control for organizationalstructures- mass service providers is examined. The technology covers the stages of design andapplication of information business systems. Such technology is applicable for organizational structures that perform activities based on repetitive services providing.}, annote = {In the paper a technology of maintenance requirements quality control for organizationalstructures- mass service providers is examined. The technology covers the stages of design andapplication of information business systems. Such technology is applicable for organizational structures that perform activities based on repetitive services providing.} }