@ARTICLE{26583204_44299484_2011, author = {T. Kravchenko}, keywords = {, decision making support systems, Information Technologies service, strategic decisions, balanced scorecard, cause-and-effect relationships, COBIT standard, perspectives, corporate contribution, stakeholders, operational excellencefuture orientation}, title = {Assessment of strategic decisions of information technologies service}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {4}, pages = {16-23}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--4/44299484.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In the paper an approach to identification of characteristics for assessment of IT strategic decisions is proposed. The main feature of the approach is associated with integration of Balanced Scorecard methodology for IT service (IT Balanced Scorecard) and COBIT standard. Such integration allows to describe a hierarchical structure of characteristics (metrics) for assessment of decisions efficiency in yje field of information technologies.}, annote = {In the paper an approach to identification of characteristics for assessment of IT strategic decisions is proposed. The main feature of the approach is associated with integration of Balanced Scorecard methodology for IT service (IT Balanced Scorecard) and COBIT standard. Such integration allows to describe a hierarchical structure of characteristics (metrics) for assessment of decisions efficiency in yje field of information technologies.} }