@ARTICLE{26583204_44329132_2011, author = {О. Esikov and D. Izotov}, keywords = {, modeling of information processes, center of a graph, centers of data storage and information processingcomputer network}, title = {The task of the choice of number and location of the centers of data storage and information processing on the computer network}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {4}, pages = {62-67}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--4/44329132.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In this article the task of a choice of number and location of centers of data storage and information processing on the computer network by criterion of a maximum of intensity of arrival of requests about information service is formulated. The detailed analysis of singularity of information processes has been carried out on the distributed computer network}, annote = {In this article the task of a choice of number and location of centers of data storage and information processing on the computer network by criterion of a maximum of intensity of arrival of requests about information service is formulated. The detailed analysis of singularity of information processes has been carried out on the distributed computer network} }