@ARTICLE{26583204_136975660_2014, author = {Maxim Amzarakov and Rafael Sukhov and Evgeny Isaev}, keywords = {, Information Technologies, modular data center, IT industrydata center}, title = {
Modular data center: The holistic view
}, journal = {}, year = {2014}, number = {3 (29)}, pages = {7-14}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2014--3 (29)/136975660.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Maxim Amzarakov - Director, INO Uptime Technology.Address: 9, Chasovaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation.E-mail: m.amzarakov@uptimetechnology.ruRafael Sukhov - Finance Manager, INO Uptime Technology. Address: 9, Chasovaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation.E-mail: r.sukhov@uptimetechnology.ruEugene Isaev - Professor, Head of Department for Education Stack Group, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Head of the Laboratory, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.E-mail: eisaev@hse.ru Data center modularity is a new term in data processing. The given article aims at making distinction between the modular, mobile, modern and traditional data center, and reviews solutions available in the market. The present research provides a systematic view of the currently existing data center technology solutions, as well as the major factors influencing the cost and possible engineering pitfalls and determining basic rules of calculating and evaluating their cost and further maintenance. The concept of energy efficiency is studied here, as well as its influence on the primary cost of a data center, its maintenance cost, and thus its final cost. The conditions for the modular solutions for data processing centers emergence have also been studied here. Classifying and identifying key features allows precise positioning of the applicability of existing technologies. For this purpose, the paper provides major features of the applicability limits of available technologies, while technological solutions from different vendors are evaluated for containing engineering systems. The received estimations are presented in a convenient and comparable tabular form and. The research results are provided in the form of a summarizing table allowing comparing the features of each solution in several aspects: form factor, complete solution, modularity, flexibility, further development in several key engineering solutions.}, annote = {Maxim Amzarakov - Director, INO Uptime Technology.Address: 9, Chasovaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation.E-mail: m.amzarakov@uptimetechnology.ruRafael Sukhov - Finance Manager, INO Uptime Technology. Address: 9, Chasovaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation.E-mail: r.sukhov@uptimetechnology.ruEugene Isaev - Professor, Head of Department for Education Stack Group, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Head of the Laboratory, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.E-mail: eisaev@hse.ru Data center modularity is a new term in data processing. The given article aims at making distinction between the modular, mobile, modern and traditional data center, and reviews solutions available in the market. The present research provides a systematic view of the currently existing data center technology solutions, as well as the major factors influencing the cost and possible engineering pitfalls and determining basic rules of calculating and evaluating their cost and further maintenance. The concept of energy efficiency is studied here, as well as its influence on the primary cost of a data center, its maintenance cost, and thus its final cost. The conditions for the modular solutions for data processing centers emergence have also been studied here. Classifying and identifying key features allows precise positioning of the applicability of existing technologies. For this purpose, the paper provides major features of the applicability limits of available technologies, while technological solutions from different vendors are evaluated for containing engineering systems. The received estimations are presented in a convenient and comparable tabular form and. The research results are provided in the form of a summarizing table allowing comparing the features of each solution in several aspects: form factor, complete solution, modularity, flexibility, further development in several key engineering solutions.} }