@ARTICLE{26583204_200956669_2016, author = {Evgeny Zinder}, keywords = {, enterprise, enterprise engineering, concept of engineering, information technology, digital transformation, classical paradigm, paradigm shiftexpanding paradigm}, title = {
Expanding enterprise engineering paradigm[1]
}, journal = {}, year = {2016}, number = {4 (38)}, pages = {7-18}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2016--4 (38)/200956669.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Evgeny Z. Zinder - Chairman of the Board, NCO "Foundation for System Engineering, Standardization and Project Management Support" (FOSTAS Foundation)Address: mailbox 563, Moscow, 107061, Russian Federation E-mail: ezinder@fostas.ru The nature of changes in the enterprise engineering paradigm and, in the first place, in the concepts of this complex discipline, is important for the selection of enterprise engineering (EE) areas development and forms of accumulation of knowledge in this area and their transfer to professionals, as well as for the stability and flexibility of application of EE in practice. Analysis of these changes is particularly important, due to the high turbulence of EE methods and technologies in the modern segment of technology development, productive and other relations, as well as due to the possibility of interpretation of private schemes and methods of EE as a new paradigm. To give a meaningful estimate of changes in the EE paradigm, there have been defined basic and additional EE concepts that at the end of the 20th century formed the classical EE paradigm. The results of comparative analysis of classical EE paradigm concepts and the tasks which are common to various enterprises until 2030 have been set forth. These results demonstrated that the classical EE paradigm retains its performance ability in this perspective. The paper points out the open character of the set of EE paradigm concepts and methods, whereby its composition naturally comprises the concepts formulated already in the 21st century, as well as alternative concepts. Meanwhile, the total "picture of the EE world" does not change to something incompatible with the former one, but at the same time it does not remain unchanged: we see a permanent expansion of the EE paradigm due to new methods of implementing the concepts, as well as new concepts applied in parallel and in combination with the classical ones. The conducted analysis has allowed us to pass on to the definition of substantively new concepts and emerging ones, to propose directions for further research, as well as to define the conditions under which the formation and application of a truly new EE paradigm can be justified. [1] The present research paper has been executed within the framework of project RFBR 16-07-01062: "Development of methods and resources of enterprise engineering based on the smart technologies".}, annote = {Evgeny Z. Zinder - Chairman of the Board, NCO "Foundation for System Engineering, Standardization and Project Management Support" (FOSTAS Foundation)Address: mailbox 563, Moscow, 107061, Russian Federation E-mail: ezinder@fostas.ru The nature of changes in the enterprise engineering paradigm and, in the first place, in the concepts of this complex discipline, is important for the selection of enterprise engineering (EE) areas development and forms of accumulation of knowledge in this area and their transfer to professionals, as well as for the stability and flexibility of application of EE in practice. Analysis of these changes is particularly important, due to the high turbulence of EE methods and technologies in the modern segment of technology development, productive and other relations, as well as due to the possibility of interpretation of private schemes and methods of EE as a new paradigm. To give a meaningful estimate of changes in the EE paradigm, there have been defined basic and additional EE concepts that at the end of the 20th century formed the classical EE paradigm. The results of comparative analysis of classical EE paradigm concepts and the tasks which are common to various enterprises until 2030 have been set forth. These results demonstrated that the classical EE paradigm retains its performance ability in this perspective. The paper points out the open character of the set of EE paradigm concepts and methods, whereby its composition naturally comprises the concepts formulated already in the 21st century, as well as alternative concepts. Meanwhile, the total "picture of the EE world" does not change to something incompatible with the former one, but at the same time it does not remain unchanged: we see a permanent expansion of the EE paradigm due to new methods of implementing the concepts, as well as new concepts applied in parallel and in combination with the classical ones. The conducted analysis has allowed us to pass on to the definition of substantively new concepts and emerging ones, to propose directions for further research, as well as to define the conditions under which the formation and application of a truly new EE paradigm can be justified. [1] The present research paper has been executed within the framework of project RFBR 16-07-01062: "Development of methods and resources of enterprise engineering based on the smart technologies".} }