Real time enterprise management in the digitalization era

T2 - IS - KW - digital enterprise KW - real time enterprise KW - variability KW - enterprise manageability KW - dynamics KW - uncertainties and complexities of environment AB -       This paper discusses real time control of an enterprise. The history of this concept is associated with the arrival of the real time enterprise (RTE) concept in 2002. The RTE concept has been interpreted variously, mainly in the areas of computer science and marketing. With the advent of new digital technologies and digital organizations, the RTE concept has received a new practical application in management.      This paper discusses an important characteristic of the RTE concept - real time scale and the division value of this scale. The authors have investigated the factors influencing the division value of this scale. The composition of these factors includes not only management, but also digitalization factors. We propose considering the real time scale as a time characteristic of organization adaptation to dynamics, uncertainties and complexities that are present in its environment. In this case, the division value of the real time scale is the time that characterizes the limit after which there is a loss of control in the organization.      There are two groups of factors influencing the division value of the real time scale: objective factors (for example, the speed of the actual operating processes), and subjective factors (for example, limitations on participants’ knowledge of the real situation and/or their opportunistic behavior). Nevertheless, the real time scale is a real phenomenon which has objective manifestations. In a well managed organization, management always spontaneously reaches a consensus regarding the division value of the real time scale. Meanwhile, the division value of real time scale is the time division value of a real clock which is sufficient for precise planning and control of deviations from the plan. AU - Vladimir Ananyin AU - Konstantin Zimin AU - Rinat Gimranov AU - Mikhail Lugachev AU - Kirill Skripkin UR - https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2019--1 Vol.13/269670023.html PY - 2019 SP - 7-17 VL -