@ARTICLE{26583204_966054131_2024, author = {Raed Alkaied and Shadi Khattab and Ishaq Al Shaar and Mohammed Abu Zaid and Sakher Al-Bazaiah}, keywords = {, artificial intelligence, conversion rate optimization, social media engagement, brand experience, brand preferencere-purchase intention}, title = {The impact of artificial intelligence on re-purchase intentions: the mediation approach}, journal = {}, year = {2024}, number = {3 Vol 18}, pages = {87-107}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2024--3 Vol 18/966054131.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Purchases made on online platforms have heavily incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) to shape consumer purchasing behavior. To investigate re-purchase intentions, this study combines AI, social media engagement, conversion rate optimization, brand experience and brand preference. A survey was conducted with a questionnaire sent to 355 people who had at least once purchased or used services offered online from any site associated with aviation. The questionnaire was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Utilizing Amos V.22, the study hypotheses were assessed. The empirical results show that social media engagement, brand experience, brand preference and conversion rate optimization were all impacted by AI. Conversion rate optimization and social media interaction also have an impact on brand preference and experience. Re-purchase intention is influenced by brand preference and brand experience. Additionally, the association between AI and re-purchase intention was mediated by social media engagement, brand experience, conversion rate optimization and brand preference. The study will support airline companies in developing AI and creating more effective branding and marketing campaigns to increase customer intention to re-purchase. This study discovered that the use of AI in marketing significantly improved brand preference, which subsequently affected consumers’ desire to make additional purchases. Furthermore, to improve long-term commercial performance and brand attractiveness, the airline should focus brand-building efforts on AI. Thus, the airline ought to make greater investments in AI and booking service technology, both to draw in new business and to strengthen existing ones.}, annote = {Purchases made on online platforms have heavily incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) to shape consumer purchasing behavior. To investigate re-purchase intentions, this study combines AI, social media engagement, conversion rate optimization, brand experience and brand preference. A survey was conducted with a questionnaire sent to 355 people who had at least once purchased or used services offered online from any site associated with aviation. The questionnaire was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Utilizing Amos V.22, the study hypotheses were assessed. The empirical results show that social media engagement, brand experience, brand preference and conversion rate optimization were all impacted by AI. Conversion rate optimization and social media interaction also have an impact on brand preference and experience. Re-purchase intention is influenced by brand preference and brand experience. Additionally, the association between AI and re-purchase intention was mediated by social media engagement, brand experience, conversion rate optimization and brand preference. The study will support airline companies in developing AI and creating more effective branding and marketing campaigns to increase customer intention to re-purchase. This study discovered that the use of AI in marketing significantly improved brand preference, which subsequently affected consumers’ desire to make additional purchases. Furthermore, to improve long-term commercial performance and brand attractiveness, the airline should focus brand-building efforts on AI. Thus, the airline ought to make greater investments in AI and booking service technology, both to draw in new business and to strengthen existing ones.} }