
ISSN 2587-814X (print),
ISSN 2587-8158 (online)

Russian version: ISSN 1998-0663 (print),
ISSN 2587-8166 (online)

I. Kashirin, S. Semchenkov

2009. No. 2. P. 12–19 [issue contents]
In article aspects of data processing with usage of the multidimensional analysis are considered. The main con cepts of multidimensional model are described, classification OLAP of systems is considered. Questions of sharing OLAP and OLTP systems are taken up, the comparative analysis of existing systems is carried out.
Citation: Kashirin I. Yu., Semchenkov S. Yu. (2009) Interaktivnaya analiticheskaya obrabotka dannykh v sovremennykh OLAP-sistemakh [] Biznes-informatika, 2, pp. 12-19 (in Russian)
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