ISSN 2587-814X (print), Russian version: ISSN 1998-0663 (print), |
O. Kozyrev, N. Klimova, M. LitvintsevaAnalysis of Approaches to Formal Specification of Corporate Security Rules on the Ontology Basis
No. 3.
P. 28–33
[issue contents]
There article proposes a new method of business-processes verification based on relational logic and MIT Alloy
Analyzer. The method proposed allows for testing conformance with corporate information security rules. For
analysis purposes the interrelated structure of ontologies is defined on three layers and correspondent logical microtheory
is proposed. The approach is illustrated using real business-process of industrial company.
Kozyrev O., Klimova N., Litvintseva M. (2010) Analiz podkhodov k formal'noy spetsifikatsii pravil korporativnoy bezopasnosti IS na osnove ontologiy [Analysis of Approaches to Formal Specification of Corporate Security Rules on the Ontology Basis]. Biznes-informatika, no 3, pp. 28-33 (in Russian)
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