Julia Taratukhina – Associate Professor, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: jtaratuhina@hse.ru
Ineya Baranova – Student of “Electronic business” MSc program, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: binmi@hotmail.com
One of the most popular types of network communities today is knowledge exchange communities (practice communities) that represent social communities, members of which are involved in collaboration and the crucial condition here is their communication.
While open educational resources (OER) provide free official use and reuse of materials, we have to respect the rights of copyright user. As for western countries (cultures) the intellectual right and copyright questions are critical, they have already taken certain steps to form open-licensing framework. All their papers have to include references to all the resources and thoughts involved. These resources should be recognized as reliable for being an official source. And when the author and copyright are absent, the resource cannot be considered as official source of information.
The opposite situation is common for eastern countries, including Russia and CIS. The problem of copyright is the last one to be taken into account. Nevertheless, official promotion, support and recognition of OER is not possible without established copyright policy. And now it’s a huge deal to correctly adopt the mechanisms like Creative Commons licensing for Russia and CIS counties, to make them work correctly, ensure their relevance at all levels.
As a result, it’s clear that cultural differences influence almost every detail in educational environment. They form certain patterns in behavior which in their turn influence even the legal components of OER.
Taratukhina J. V., Baranova I. M. (2012) Rol' otkrytykh obrazovatel'nykh resursov v sovremennom polikul'turnom informatcionno-obrazovatel'nom prostranstve [The role of educational resources in modern multicultural information and learning environment] Biznes-informatika, 2(20), pp. 35-41 (in Russian)