
ISSN 2587-814X (print),
ISSN 2587-8158 (online)

Russian version: ISSN 1998-0663 (print),
ISSN 2587-8166 (online)

I. Bolshakov

Crosslexica: a universe of links between russian words

2013. No. 3(25). P. 19–26 [issue contents]

Igor Bolshakov – Professor, Independent Researcher, Honored Professor of National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico.
Address: 45, Lesnaya str., Moscow, 127055, Russian Federation.
E-mail: iabolshakov@gmail.com

Over the last 25 years the Russian language has undergone some significant changes. Colloquial and slang words, accumulated by the society, started to appear on pages of magazines and newspapers, in advertisements, on TV screens and in the Internet. There are also many new borrowed words and some words have even changed their meanings. So, the list of the Russian collocations has also changed and enlarged. Therefore it has become of paramount importance to compose dictionaries which will reflect approved and disapproved of links between words.

This paper discusses issues of developing a network structure and cross-lexical principles for a new type of dictionary, unique in its structure and volume. The principles of network structure intends for every glossary element to be accompanied by its own links. The content of cross-lexical array is based on paper dictionaries, web news and analytics, as well as various advertisements and magazines (about celebrities, fashion, tourism and automobile industry). Topics include economics, business, social and political sphere, technologies, nature and human studies, medicine, sports, everyday language.

The elements of the array (words) are split into 4 main word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives (including participles) and adverbs (including transgressives). The cross-lexical structure represents a matrix with cells, describing specific links between words. The most numerous collocations are "adjective - noun" and "verb – object (noun)." Synonyms and semantic derivatives have the most numerous semantic connections aiding in understanding the meanings of words. The cross-lexical array contains almost three hundred thousand words and over eight million links between them.

The analysis and development tests indicate that cross-lexical approach aid significantly when editing text as well as when studying the Russian language. Besides, invilving cross-lexical approach can substantially improve automatic text-processing.

Citation: Bolshakov A. I. (2013) Krossleksika: universum sviazi mezhdu russkimi slovami [Crosslexica: a universe of links between russian words] Biznes-informatika, 3(25), pp. 19-26 (in Russian)
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