ISSN 2587-814X (print), Russian version: ISSN 1998-0663 (print), |
M. Levin
No. 2.
P. 42–51
[issue contents]
Combinatorial scheme for design of marketing strategy is examined. The scheme consists of four stages: (a) clus
tering of good set to obtain some groups of close goods, (b) clustering of customer set to obtain some groups of close
customers (i.e., market segments), (c) assignment for each group of close goods a certain group of close customers (i.e., market segment) or several customer groups (usage of assignment problem), (d) definition of a certain market
ing strategy for each pair «group of goods group of customers» (usage of multiple choice problem while taking into
account a total constraint to implementation of all selected marketing strategies). Realistic numerical example is tar
geted to computer goods (computers, processors, software etc.).
Levin M. Sh. (2009) Kombinirovannaya skhema formirovaniya strategii marketinga [] Biznes-informatika, 2, pp. 42-51 (in Russian)