Victor Taratoukhine – Head of SAP Corporate Department, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Ekaterina Bazhenova – Postgraduate Student, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Medium and small business development is one of the priority objectives of Governments of many countries in the World including Russia. Approach available to medium and small companies to information and communication technologies (ICT) would improve business conduct efficiency. How such ICTs would be used by companies is dependent from various approaches to corporate management, implementation and use policies. That is the reason why the ICTs should be viewed in direct inextricable connection with all business processes being implemented by the organization.
Analysis of the existing ICT practices being used in business process management demonstrated that various approaches have been developed mostly for big companies. For medium and small businesses different sources in literature provide identification of particular properties, which have to be taken into account in designing process management models however such developed models are encountered in isolated cases mostly in pilot projects. Therefore there is a necessity to develop a generalized business process management model for medium and small entities, which could be used by multiple medium and small companies and the relevant software designers.
The article provides analysis of the role played by information and communication technologies in doing medium and/or small business in less-developed countries. Based on this assumption the authors offer their own approach to developing business process concepts applicable to small and medium companies.
Further development of this article anticipates designing customized (taking into account specifics of business management process in medium and small entities) concept of medium and small business process management operated in an emerging state. In addition since medium and small companies are parts constituting the global business system, it deems reasonable to review small and medium businesses as customers and vendors contracted by bigger businesses. From the viewpoint of designing a company’s business process management policy such an approach would include consideration not only internal but also external business processes of a company.
Taratoukhine V. V., Bazhenova Е. A. (2012) Vliianie informatcionno-kommunikatcionnykh tekhnologii na upravlenie biznes-protcessami malykh i srednikh predpriiatii v razvivaiushchikhsia stranakh. [The role of innovation and mobile technologies in the development of small and medium enterprises in emerging markets.] Biznes-informatika, 3(21), pp. 9-16 (in Russian)