Dmitry Isaev – Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail:
At present performance management systems (PMSs), as systems for information support of corporate governance and strategic management, become more and more important both for commercial companies and non-for-profit organizations. Corporate planning and budgeting is one of the key elements of PMS, because it plays a role of a link between strategy and current activities of an organization. The objective of the paper is to develop a conceptual model of corporate planning and budgeting system (taking into consideration its positioning within integrated PMS), as well as to define software applications that are relevant to such system.
The functional block of corporate planning and budgeting is relevant to strategy implementation (developing a base for detailed operational planning), control (determining the deviations between planned and actual values) and strategic analysis (investigation of causes of these deviations). The block contains two functional modules: plans / budgets drawing up and plans / budgets fulfillment analysis. The inputs and outputs of each of these two modules are specified in the paper.
Corporate planning and budgeting information systems represent a class of applications with functionality allowing to develop strategy oriented long-term company-wide plans (in operating terms) and budgets (in financial terms). However some of the important tasks (definition of planning assumptions, decision making, fulfillment analysis, visualization of management information) are beyond the functionality of typical planning and budgeting software. That’s why some other classes of information systems (simulation, statistical analysis, financial analysis and modeling, group decision making, business intelligence) are applicable as complementary solutions within an integrated planning and budgeting system.
Isaev V. D. (2013) Informatizatciia korporativnogo planirovaniia i biudzhetirovaniia [Information systems for corporate planning and budgeting] Biznes-informatika, 1(23), pp. 58-63 (in Russian)