Igor Fiodorov – Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI). Address: 7, Nezhinskaya str., Moscow, 119501, Москва, Russian Federation. E-mail: IFedorov@mesi.ru
Software engineering has developed methods of systems design allowing to develop models providing coordination between diagrams describing different aspects of one system. While modeling a process, the systematic approach can not be applied. Thus the resulting model will be unbalanced, incomplete and inaccurate. If implemented, it will require clarification and redesign. In describing business processes, we are limited to separate diagrams, written in IDEF0, DFD, EPC, YAWL and BPMN notations, which are based on different model formalisms: the first one is structural decomposition of processes, the second is the model of data streams, the third is the model of workflow, the forth one is based on Petri net, and the last model’s formalism has not been yet defined. The objective of the given paper consists in analyzing methods of the formal presentation, used in the basic notations of business process modeling and identifying the major principles of system modeling providing the coherence and mutual coordination between various aspects of business process models.
The research suggests that none of the diagram types, used within business processes modeling, allows to depict simultaneously temporal changes of all entitles required for describing the changes in the system’s behavior. The research provides principles which allow to take into account the omitted modeling steps.
The research proves that the control flow is formed by the movement of the controlled object. It is also associated with the status value characterizing the system status. The analysis showed that the control flow diagram is most applicable for the dynamic business process modeling. This diagram initially represents the greatest number of objects to describe the system behavior dynamics passing only states. The diagram in BPMN notation should be considered within the flow graph formalism and with allowances made for suggestions. The practical affect of ideas provided by this study includes the separating criteria formulation for flow processes.
Fiodorov G. I. (2013) Printcipy formal'nogo predstavleniia povedencheskoi perspektivy modeli biznes-protcessa [Principles of business process' behavioral perspective modeling] Biznes-informatika, 2(24), pp. 32-39 (in Russian)