2012. No. 1(19)
Decision making and business intelligence
Viacheslav Abrosimov – Senior Researcher, Head of Department of Analytics and Consulting, Step Logic Company. Address: 10/2, Osenniy bul., Moscow, 121609, Russian Federation. E-mail: v_abrosimov@step.ru
Nowadays business and scientific literature widely use such terms as “information resources”, “information resources management” and “information resources lifecycle management”. Russian legislation is aware of the concept of information resource, however the underlying content and definition of this concept are not specific enough for the tasks of setting up information systems and require further specification; hence the topicality of the issues studied in this article.
The approach proposed in this article consists in using conventional concepts of management systems based on the systems theory, i.e. operating the analogues of such entities as “governmental bodies”, “control actions”, “control program”, “control signals” and “feedback”. Several objectives, such as program setting and executing, stabilization, tracking and optimization are borrowed from classical conceptions of control systems.
In this article the standard objective of control is formalized through executing tuples parameters changing programs, followed by comparing the target, forecast and actual characteristics of information resources.
This paper also considers the problem of locating the information resources control system within the general enterprise management system. The article cites numerous examples of such systems (Enterprise Resource Planning System “Galaktika”, Microsoft Dynamics ERP-systems, “BEST” (“Book-keeping, Economics, Stock, Trading”) etc. Yet, the analysis conducted shows that despite processing vast amounts of various within them, none of these modules provides a solution to the above stated objectives of an enterprise’s information resources management and control. That is why one can suppose that information resources control system is an independent unit within the enterprise management, connected with data bases via the objective of collecting and storing data, and with enterprise management and IT service via the objective of data management and control. |
Mathematical methods and algorithms of business informatics
Vladimir Belov – Professor, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Technologies, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (RSREU). Address: 59/1, Ryazan, Gagarin str., 390005, Russian Federation. E-mail: compvv@mail.ryazan.ru
Julia Koritchneva – Post-graduate student, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Technologies, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (RSREU). Address: 59/1, Ryazan, Gagarin str., 390005, Russian Federation. E-mail: Koritchneva@mail.ru
The classical ABC method is based on splitting the whole set of the materials in use into three unequal groups depending on the value of the defining indicator (parameter, criterion). However, the practical implementation of integral parameters showed that the results of the multidimensional classification are often hard to predict and do not correspond with the intuitive solutions of the experts. Thus, it is necessary to develop alternative methods of multidimensional ABC- classification, including formulating a parameter for assessing quality of multidimensional classifications. The aim of the article is to formulate the parameters identifying quality and the methods of a multidimensional ABC- classification for data managing, which could be an alternative to the integral criterion method.
The article offers alternative forms of presentation of the results ABC-classification – in the form of classification tuples and vectors. Four alternative parameters, describing the quality spatial (multidimensional) ABC-classification, are proposed, which reflect the similarity of the spatial vectors and tuples and aggregated private scalar ABC-classifications for different cases of the same problem and the importance of scalar criteria used to characterize the accounting elements particular subject area. The article proposes four algorithms of spatial ABC-classification, called canonical: most suitable on the basis of the proposed multidimensional measures of the quality of the grouping for cases of the same and different the problem importance of private scalar criteria.
The results presented here can be used as a methodological platform for implementing the means of reducing the information space in the logistics practices in order to improve inventory management through the expedient and reasonable distribution of efforts in various areas of control of the situation and the development of control measures.
The solution for multidimensional ABC-classification through the proposed canonical algorithms, comparison of the achieved results and comparison with the result of ABC-classification based on the convolution of criteria implemented by private credentials inventory of high-tech manufacturing enterprise engaged in production of small-scale and technological piece of equipment having a well-oiled mechanism of delivery materials, components and related products in the shop just in time. |
Nadezhda Dunichkina – Postgraduate Student, Department of Informatics, Control Systems and Telecommunications, Faculty of Economics and Management, Volga State Academy of Water Transport (VGAVT). Address: 5a, Nesterova str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russian Federation. E-mail: nadezhda.dunichkina@gmail.com
The problem under study arose when it became necessary to establish computer systems supporting operational control of the diesel fuel supplies to the floating diesel-electric systems, performing river-bed mining of non-metallic construction materials in large-scale fluvial areas of inland waterways of the Russian Federation. During the navigation season a group of 15 - 20 units of floating extraction machines (FEMs) iworks in these areas. Diesel fuel supply processes of the FEMs are performed by specialized refueling tankers.
The main objective of the dispatcher (a person responsible for decision-making) is to develop a supply strategy that minimizes the economic cost associated with non-productive downtime of the FEMs.
This paper considers a mathematical model of one of the typical technological supply chains in which the FEMS are located in linear range with two identical tankers both moving in the same direction from the starting point along the range. The quality of the supply strategy is estimated by the values of two independent criteria that reflect certain losses caused by the strategy implementation. The choice of a particular pair of evaluation criteria depends on the operational situation on the planning horizon.
In order to develop computer tools to solve the above decision making problems, we propose the algorithms of service strategies synthesis. These algorithms are based on Pareto concept and ideology of dynamic programming. The implementation of the algorithms is demonstrated by numerical examples. We provide the results of computational experiments which show that, for practically important dimensions of the considered models, the computational time is much less that the maximum limit allowed by the dispatcher’s specification (15 minutes). This fact allows us to recommend applying of the models and algorithms proposed in the paper in the computer systems that support supply control of diesel fuel to the floating extraction machines operating in large-scale fluvial areas of inland waterways of Russia. A prototype of such system is well received in the experimental operation in the Kama cargo district of Kazan river port. |
Alexander Koldanov – Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation. E-mail: akoldanov@hse.ru
Peter Koldanov – Assistant Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Distance Learning, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod. Address: 23, Prospekt Gagarina, 603950, Nizhni Novgorod, Russian Federation. E-mail: kold@mail.ru
The study focuses on efficiency comparison for enlistment campaigns at University affiliates using small samples in aggregate. From engineering point, the actuality of such an objective will be governed by the necessity of sound management of affiliate activities specifically allocation of possibly capital investments in affiliates and taking other management decisions. From theoretical approach, actuality of objective under review as mathematical statistics objective will be determined by its multi-alternative nature and limited study.
The study’s goal is building up and investigation into statistical procedure of loose ordering of affiliates subject to their efficiency. To build up a statistical procedure for selecting a single out of multiple solutions, it has been suggested using a theory of procedures (Leman) with multiple solutions. The procedure consists in joint review of all pair-wise comparisons. Besides, there arises an issue of consistent combining the results. The study suggests a solution for inconsistency issue based on introduction of an additional uncertainty range, which, from engineering point, will not change the task nature.
The newness of the study results consists in the following: Optimum statistical procedures with multiple solutions have been built up per various classes; certain decision rules with desired accuracy have been elaborated; results for application of such rules to actual investigations were analyzed; possibility to improve statistical multiple solution procedures characteristics has been demonstrated due to efficient use of combined small samples. Such an improvement is based on using additional homogeneity hypotheses, which allows using observation results at all affiliates per each pair-wise comparison test. |
Alexander D’yakonov – Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Methods of Forecasting, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Address: 1, build. 52, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation. E-mail: djakonov@mail.ru
The article describes algorithms that took first places in International ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge 2011 and are focused on development of recommendation systems for VideoLectures.Net website, a multimedia repository of video lectures (VideoLectures.Net Recommender System Challenge). The study describes all alternative problem-solving methods that can be divided into two groups: collaborative filtering and content-based (information filtering) methods.
The first group uses user behavior statistics (e.g. they recommend goods and services that were of interest of similar users); the second group uses description of goods and services (e.g. they recommend goods and services of the same category, price range, related products, etc.). It is possible to use simultaneously methods of both groups (hybrid prediction) and algorithms based on a priori knowledge of user needs (knowledge-based).
LENKOR methods analyzed in this study are focused on tasks with complex object setting (using different characteristic features and/or non-feature description), relatively small samples (insufficient to use statistic methods) and non-traditional functionality of algorithms. It was proposed to introduce objects similarity functions (each function evaluates similarity using its own information type), to create a general similarity formula (usually, in the form of linear combination of functions introduced) and a way of answer receipt. Then it is required to set up an algorithm and amend a general formula adding all nonlinearities.
Described algorithms are simple and universal and concede paralleling. The solution comes in the form of evaluation vector. To recommend a number of lectures, it is enough to select some largest vector elements. At the same time it is possible to obtain popularity rating for each lecture. LENKOR technology is based on ideas of algebraic approach: correct evaluation vector space is selected, and then algebraic expression is set.
Proposed methods can be used in tasks of other types, e.g. Cold Start solution algorithm can be easily adapted for loan scoring and project evaluation tasks. |
KonstantinZimin – Editor-in Chief, portal GlobalCIO.ru. E-mail: kzimin@globalcio.ru
Alexander Markin– Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Address: 1, build. 46, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation. E-mail: sanya.mn@gmail.com
Kirill Skripkin – Associate Professor, Department of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Address: 1, build. 46, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation. E-mail: k.skripkin@gmail.com
In this article, factor productivity and effect by production factors on formation of enterprise market value are reviewed. Study of the role by IT cost factor and computer capital in productivity increase and market asset value of Russia-based domestic and foreign companies is to date at early stages, although, this is an essential study component in the field. The study objective is analyzing international expertise in the field, choice of the best analysis approach and generation of relevant statistical models. Choice of models has been based on their application history worldwide, and also evidence providing for clear interpretation of results. Limitations relating to insufficient completeness and quality of statistical data, and management specifics for Russia-based enterprises were accounted for.
The article analyzes a wide range of worldwide studies in this domain. It is based on a methodology demonstrating obvious dependence of capitalization from combined investments in organizational and computer capital. The maximum evident effect from capitalization are provided by regressive assessments containing these two values.
Hidden pitfall traps in this field are reviewed in the article, productivity paradox phenomenon when statistical assessments became indifferent towards company computerization factor. Nevertheless, two models were generated and made the main result of efforts. The first model is intended for studying effect by status and industry factors along with general and administration costs on company’s computer budget. The second model focuses on relation between computer budget, assets and personnel costs. Introduction of pseudo-variables is assumed for qualitative assessments (both industry- and nation-wide). Cobb-Douglas production function with modifications were used |
Legal aspects of business informatics
Ruslan Budnik – Leading Researcher, The UNESCO Chair on Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: rusbudnik@gmail.com
A huge volume of circularization of information objects and operations related to them, as well as their diversity raise the question of the legal status of intellectual property. From an analytical point of view, the current legal regulation of information resources does not fully meet the situation. In this regard, the paper is aimed at analyzing modes of intellectual property protection in the field of information technology and at forming the legal concept for those resources which are free-to-access, or, otherwise, for those recourses access to which is stimulated, being a factor of their commercialization. The paper concludes that the existing institutions of legal protection fail to fully protect information objects that are public domain. Therefore, the paper introduces the concept of such legal institution as "permission."
This paper discerns three groups (classes) of information objects - open, closed (covered by legal restrictions) and combined. The first group includes all kinds of free and open resources, secondary value of which depends on their available and in demand. The second group includes all closed or limited resources, for instance patents for inventions and all kinds of intellectual property protection. The third group refers to software and databases, their status varying depending on the situation. The first group follows Creative Commons open licenses. However, this practice is not flexible enough and hinders the development of innovative business schemes.
The goal of this paper is to prove that the major method of legal regulation for the first group of information objects should be the proposed method of unhindered permission and free use on the will of the copyright holder. A more adequate legal regulation will ensure the growth of economic activity on the basis of this type of objects, and increase their profitability and popularity. The incorporation of the method of legal permission is a major priority for modernization of intellectual property rights. The necessity of applying the method of permission is proved by referring to the analysis of information objects on the economic basis – potential profitability, which in turn depends on the extent of incidence of these data objects. |
Information systems and technologies in business
Tatiana Adueva – Senior Lecturer, Department of Data Processing Automation, Faculty of Control Systems, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). Address: 40, Lenin str., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation. E-mail: avt@garant.tomsk.ru
Alexander Akhaev – Post-graduate Student, Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems, Faculty of Computer Systems, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). Address: 40, Lenin str., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation. E-mail: AkhaevAV@gmail.ru
Ilya Khodashinsky – Professor, Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems, Faculty of Computer Systems, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). Address: 40, Lenin str., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation. E-mail: hodashn@rambler.ru
The article considers a problem of workplace arrangements and functions of sales managers who make a decision on configuration of software programs of Russian 1C software developer to fully satisfy customer requirements.
The need for this research has evolved from the fact that 1C Company, its partners and independent organizations supply the market with number of 1C:Enterprise 8 software programs. Various program configurations and solutions enable a complex dialog between seller and buyer and require wide knowledge and good training of both managers and buyers. This problem can be solved in several ways. Particularly, there are some specialized web-sites which interfaces help to narrow a search slightly and which descriptions are too long and require additional analysis. To ensure selection of optimal configuration, an expert system which, wholly or partially, can replace a sales manager, was developed.
The article describes an approach for classification of all appropriate 1C:Enterprise 8 software programs. Such approach ensures not only a formalization of source information to make a decision on program purchasing / selling, but also a formalization of decision making process. The article also describes an approach for organization of working memory, provides knowledge base language and its formal description.
The production system that allows to select software programs in accordance with user request was developed based on proposed classification. The pilot system helps to define not more than two suitable configurations of 1C:Enterprise 8 software programs, in other words to significantly minimize a range of analyzed options. |
Alexander Ostroverh– Deputy Head of Department, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Address: 18, Novozavodskaya str., Moscow, 121309, Russian Federation. E-mail: tias@matias.ru
Alexander Tsyrkov – Head of Complex, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Address: 18, Novozavodskaya str., Moscow, 121309, Russian Federation. E-mail: tias@matias.ru
Alexey Krishtop – Head of Laboratory, MATI – Russian State Technological University. Address: 3, Orshanskaya str., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation. E-mail: tias@matias.ru
Georgy Tsyrkov – Associate Professor, MATI – Russian State Technological University. Address: 3, Orshanskaya str., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation. E-mail: tias@matias.ru
The article looks into a business case associated with designing a high-performance computing environment for managing production of complex technical products in a high-tech machine engineering company. The target function for evaluating the high-performance computing environment is generalized in accordance with enlarged cost targets and performance time. The article deals primarily with generalizing and formulating the principles of designing a production management system on the basis of the limitations exist in the real machine engineering enterprise. In the case studied, the production management system is based on the CALS technology, with a high degree of heterogeneity of software and hardware at various stages of the production process in the enterprise, not employing any standard ERP platform or its modules. At the same time, the case shows the application of up-to-date principles of forming cross-functional structures, the centralization of planned-economy aspects of the given production segment, as well as the multiplex approach to setting up data exchange channels. In general, the configuration is described as a self-learning.
In order to organize the multiplex information environment, it is necessary to employ patterns of structure-parametric modeling. It should be noted that this method has been tested and approved of as a useful for solving many practical engineering problems. The core of the modeling complex – structural-parametric modeler (SP-modeler) – is focused on modeling objects in the corporate information system. In its turn, setting up the control-management system on the multiplicity principles required finding a solution for the optimization of data exchange and processing algorithms, as well as performing analytical and modeling calculations.
The article also thoroughly studies various methods parallelization of data exchange and processing in accordance with the general configuration of the production processes and the corresponding data. The study carried out results in the analysis, summarization and description of the approaches and organizational scheme of high-performance computing environments within the production management system, taking into account the various limitations and specific features of a real machine engineering enterprise.
Leonid Voskov – Professor, Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM). Address: 3, Bolshoi Trekhcvyatitelskiy per., Moscow, 123022, Russian Federation. E-mail: voskov@narod.ru
Mikhail Komarov – Postgraduate Student, Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM). Address: 3, Bolshoi Trekhcvyatitelskiy per., Moscow, 123022, Russian Federation. E-mail: michmanK@mail.ru
Nowadays, dozens of researches into such wireless sensor network aspects as protocol architecture and design, energy conservation and location have been carried out. However, assurance of WSN services quality needs to be researched. Many WSN operation and performance aspects and requirements are not clearly defined. One of urgent problems is a problem of energy balancing, when in order to ensure long network lifetime energy should be uniformly distributed among all sensor nodes.
The research task is to develop a method of WSN energy balancing taking into account effects of external factors. The method of WSN energy balancing proposed in this research is based on development of wireless fixed sensor network model with self-contained power supply. Testing data confirm the improvement of model effectiveness due to use of developed method. The tests were carried out using a number of modes: different power levels of transceivers; transfer of data and delivery of data receipt acknowledgement. Calculations showed that the use of developed method allows to save 21 per cent of total energy consumed and to increase the duration of autonomous work by 34 minutes (or 1.5 per cent). The proposed method of energy balancing also allows to take into consideration other external factors such as priority of traffic sent and jamming environment. |