Decision making and business intelligence
Julia Stavenko – Researcher, Center of Information Management Technologies; Assistant Professor, Department of Modeling and Business Process Optimization, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: ystavenko@hse.ru
Alexander Gromov – Professor, Head of Department of Modeling and Business Process Optimization, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: agromov@hse.ru
At present time providing support to innovative activity is still one of the most burning issues in scientific and corporate environment. Same refers to the Government level. However, despite the understanding of innovation significance, as stated in the INSEAD Repot Russia’s state and organization’s innovation policy efficiency regarding innovations’ support and implementation is rated Fifty One (51) thus giving way to such countries as Estonia, Slovenia and Saudi Arabia. A conclusion could be made that innovation management process still remains one of the most difficult and acute problems for Russian companies. In this regard quite many organizations need to have innovation process and intellectual resources management methods and policy efficient to meet specific business conditions.
The Article investigates evolution of approaches applicable to innovation processes management in organization. Based on such approaches’ analysis conclusions were made regarding the necessity to provide support to innovative process in current economic conditions based on existing knowledge.
According to investigation results the innovation process flow like any other is conditioned upon complicated interaction of multiple factors. This conclusion rests on evidencing materials stating that there is a wide range of innovation models existing in different industries as well as inside any industry itself. But it does not mean that the innovation process models are useless. Each of the models is a response to economic trends accompanying each of the generations: with changes in economic approaches the approaches to defining innovation process would change automatically. These could be used as templates each of which having its own implementation subject to organization type, corporate culture and resources available. In this way the primary task of any management would be creation of innovation process conforming to goals and objectives of particular organization and the relevant internal and external environment of such organization. |
Software engineering
Alexander Aleksandrov – Professor, Department of Personal Computers and Networks, Faculty of Informatics, Moscow State University of Instrumentation and Informatics (MGUPI). Address: 20, Stromynka str., Moscow, 107996, Russian Federation. E-mail: femsystem@yandex.ru
Vladimir Shilmanov – Postgraduate Student, Department of Personal Computers and Networks, Faculty of Informatics, Moscow State University of Instrumentation and Informatics (MGUPI). Address: 20, Stromynka str., Moscow, 107996, Russian Federation. E-mail: femsystem@yandex.ru
In software engineering industry, a steady trend has begun to show for transition from domain-specific programming theory to a new paradigm based on a concept theory and language-oriented programming methods. Within development of software using domain-specific programming, this process appears quite long, while for maintenance and development of software code, everything will be necessary to repeat anew. Application of domain-specific languages could serve as an alternative, where languages fulfill the function of a special interface interrelating higher-level concept theory add up with direct software implementation capability.
The goal of the study lies in code generation automation when building a component library based on semantic description received at input, i.е. subject to principles of language-oriented programming methods.
For code generation, two main approaches are considered: template generation using convertor. Another main approach to software design is a higher-level model using domain-specific language (DSL), such model is more domain-specific than classes and methods. In such a case software solution code becomes easy to understand by a ‘domain’ specialist without any intervention by a programmer. This results in a solution text reduction by an order of magnitude. A concept of software components provides for their multiple use, building up various software solutions from blocks accounting for their multiple use.
As a result, to build up a component library, code generator was developed using Python programming language using PyParsing combinatorial library. The newly developed generator allows to create algorithm software code under a previously done template describing input and output data. Generation using converter is based on creating a software which will receive at input a semantic model, while at output provides a source text for a target language environment. |
Igor Pelepelin– Leading Researcher, Center of Information Management Technologies, Institute of Information Technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Leading Project Manager, Logika Biznesa Co. Address: 19, build. 6, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russian Federation. E-mail: i61pelepelin@gmail.com
Valentine Feklistov – Senior Researcher, Center of Information Systems for Human Health Monitoring, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: vfeklist@mail.ru
Dmitry Kozhevnikov – Leading Researcher, Center of Executive Authorities Analysis, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: dkozhevnikov@hse.ru
Improving efficiency of information systems creation process within the service oriented architecture (SOA) is an urgent problem of today. Among information system architectures during the recent twelve years the most outstanding is Service Oriented Architecture that is an approach to creation of applications based on operational identification of relatively independent automatic transactions referred to as Services, development of software components designed to ensure automation of such transactions and their relevant unification in an application based on the single infrastructure for performance and control.
Despite the variety of existing tooling and enormous advantages in flexibility, scalability and efficiency, which entities/organizations get through adopting (switching to) Service Oriented Architecture of Applied Systems until now such an approach has not advanced so far despite many expectations. In our opinion reasons for such situation are difficulties in managing large scale arrays of services both on the stage of operation and designing and development as well.
Keeping in mind the existing experience of the undersigned, a conclusion could be made that design and development management difficulties are mostly of the architectural nature. This means that the biggest problems do occur at the junction or areas of responsibility of the process participants.
In this project the authors provide their generalized experience of resolving the abovementioned issues both using traditional facilities and a new Subject Oriented Approach to management process. The article is focused on a number of current technical and technological aspects of the relevant tooling use procedures. In particular, the authors lay down the basic specifics of SOA development, which lead to problematic management and coordination of designers’ efforts. This refers to task setting problems (known in system analysis as a structural and functional transfer problem), problems in interface coordination, necessity to maintain service standards as well as project management difficulties. Taking into account such specific features the article offers criteria to be applied to determining the components’ design and creation efficiency, sets up basic stages of components operational life time as well as the location and advantages of Subject Oriented Approach to components’ design and creation modeling and management processes. |
Legal aspects of business informatics
Anna Zharova – Associate Professor, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: ajarova@hse.ru
Anna Gutnikova– Director, Institute of Legislation Problems, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: agutnikova@hse.ru
Svetlana Maltseva – professor, head of Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, acting dean of Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: smaltseva@hse.ru
Vladimir Elin – Associate Professor, Department of Information Security Management, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: velin@hse.ru
At the present time much attention is paid to application of information technologies in the sphere of public services, interaction between people and public institutions, and international cooperation. However IT application depends directly on legal implementation of technological neutrality principle, according to which adopted rules and regulations should be neutral in relation to technologies used.
This article provides classification of issues to be solved in order to improve implementation of technological neutrality principle on different levels of information exchange. It is specifically noted that this principle should be implemented legally. Moreover this principle should also be applied to electronic document management, because, despite the lawful right to use digital signatures, due to lack of federal law concerning electronic documents and document management usability of digital signatures is rather limited. Main issue to be addressed by such law is determination of common conceptual framework, establishment general principles of document management based on information technologies, and establishing of general document forms, requisites and attributes, and requirements for electronic document transfer, conversion of paper documents into electronic form and vice versa, document copying, etc. Furthermore technological neutrality principle should be implemented while placing public orders for complex information technologies as well as during analysis of IT services market including inquiry systems, state support of IT organizations, and administrative burdens which hinder development in this sphere. |
Internet technologies
Yuri Ekhlakov – Professor, Vice-rector on Information Systems and Management, Head of Department of Data Processing Automation, Faculty of Management Systems, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). Address: 40, Lenina pr., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation. E-mail: upe@tusur.ru
Dmitri Baraksanov – Head of Center of Web Technologies and Information Resources, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). Address: 40, Lenina pr., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation. E-mail: bdn@tusur.ru
Today’s marketing cannot be imagined without the Internet. However, classic books and monographs on marketing fail to reflect special considerations about the application of Internet Marketing tools in promoting software products, and existing works on Internet Marketing are mainly limited to general provisions and do not provide relevant guidance material on promotion practices. At the same time, approaches to the promotion of software products using Internet Marketing tools should be clarified.
The object of this article is to make the process of promotion program development based on classic marketing theory more specific by taking into consideration specific features of software products and the use of the Internet as the main channel of communication with target audiences. This article provides structure and content of a program for software promotion in the Internet environment, highlights main steps in development of such a program and defines marketing and communication goals. It also discusses such important considerations as the process of defining the target audience, generating communication goals, choice of the structure, content and form of communication message, choice of the channel and tools for dissemination of communication messages in view of special considerations about implementation of an Internet promotion program. Software promotion programs may be viewed as an integrated set of media planning processes.
The method for software product promotion program development using Internet Marketing tools presented here is based on the integration of key classic marketing concepts for promoting a product to a market and the Internet Marketing concept taking into consideration specific features of a software product. The mathematical model for selection of tools depending on the stage of generating responses from the target audience presented here allows for partial formalization of media planning process. Information from this article may be helpful to those who specialize in IT product commercialization and work to promote such products through the Internet. |
Julia Taratukhina – Associate Professor, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: jtaratuhina@hse.ru
Nowadays, a new educational paradigm is being created. It encompasses features of multiculturalism and multifunctionality, where project work complements scientific research. Educational processes tend to incorporate online learning methods. Multicultural education ‘space’, however, reveals issues like cognitive-pragmatic differences between representatives of various cultures, incompetency of tutors alongside with inefficiency of unified teaching methods. From this perspective, cross-cultural multimedia didactics requires further research with a focus on differences between cultural mentalities, presentation of educational material, culture-specific teaching methods and teaching techniques that determine differentiated approaches to the choice of effective multimedia technologies in education system.
Meanwhile, the problem in differences between cultures and people’s mentality is becoming more and more real. Trying to eliminate this gap, some developed countries improve cross-cultural communication skills with the help of social networks and special e-learning environments, which actually makes the process of adaptation in another culture easier.
The main purpose of this paper is to give analyses of the methods of using individual learning paths in other cultural groups, and to give some predictions and recommendations in the conclusion. Also, in the proposal some related literature which concerns this topic is going to be analyzed. Then, the results will be given in the conclusion. |
Information systems and technologies in business
Vadim Agievich – Head of Department of Corporate Architecture, Surgutneftegas Open Joint Stock Company; Postgraduate Student, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 1, build. 1, Grigoriya Kukuyevitskogo str., Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Tyumen Region, 628404, Russian Federation. E-mail: agievich_va@surgutneftegas.ru
Rinat Gimranov – Head of Division of Information Technologies, Surgutneftegas Open Joint Stock Company. Address: 1, build. 1, Grigoriya Kukuyevitskogo str., Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Tyumen Region, 628404, Russian Federation. E-mail: gimranov_rd@surgutneftegas.ru
Victor Taratoukhine – Head of SAP Academic Department, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Managing Director ERCIS Competence Center ERP and head of ERCIS Lab. Russia, University of Munster, Germany. Address: Germany, Munster, Leonardo-Campus, 3, University of Munster, ERCIS – Headquarters. E-mail: victor.taratoukhine@ercis.uni-muenster.de
Enterprise architecture comprises a full description of an enterprise and its general plan. This general plan links different aspects of infrastructure into a single system. When modeling the basics of the enterprise architecture, the architect team must collect information and structure it in architectural repository in accordance with the chosen methods. However, enterprise architecture is generally prone to continuous alterations. Under such circumstances, there arises a problem of providing the adequacy of the architectural repository model (meaning its conformity to the modeled object), both during both its initial mapping and in following its subsequent alterations. Thus, problems of providing adequacy of basic enterprise architecture models and architectural repository data consistence are relevant when building the enterprise architecture of big companies.
As a result, it becomes a very difficult task to map consolidated architectural conceptions which require combining information from different models which, in turn, is impossible without model consistency on the data level (meaning architectural repository data consistency).
The article suggests using a joined catalogue of architectural components and IT-solutions' architecture models for the purposes of organizing the construction of a joint base corporate architecture and the provision of its models' adequacy while taking into account the continuous IT-landscape changes. This approach allows for inviting the help of a wide range of specialists, which not only reduces the deadline and keeps the models relevant, but also lays the ground for the uniform formal documentation of the planned IT-solutions. The requirements for software are used for the subsequent software choice or development with the objective of designing a prototype of the information system to be used as a means of providing the consistency of models based on a united architectural components catalogue within the framework of the suggested approach. |
Arkadiy Maron – Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: amaron@hse.ru
Maxim Maron – Director of Technology for Business Ltd., Student of “Business Informatics” MSc Program, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: amaron@hse.ru
To properly execute a project, it is critical to inspect design works for consistency in a timely manner. Otherwise, while it may seem that project schedule is being kept, at some point errors will be found which take much time to correct. To reduce the risk of project schedule disruption, it is advisable to conduct intermediate tests of completed jobs for any errors in a timely manner. At the same time, running to the other extreme should also be avoided: total control would take too much time and money. Therefore, selection of a set of reasonable test points for a project becomes a priority.
The paper suggests a method for setting test points for projects which is based on maximization of information about job number containing an error. The method is based on information approach to testing objects represented by functional models. A modification of information approach to search of possible test point locations is suggested which considers job time length and error localization depth. An optimality criterion is suggested against which comparison will be conducted between sets of test points within projects.
To support implementation of the suggested approach in practice, a program has been developed for selecting test points for projects which are managed with use of Microsoft Project IT system. A method for conducting experiments to evaluate effectiveness of the suggested approach to test point selection in comparison with a previously developed method which is based on project work time lengths alone is also suggested. To conduct the experiment, special program has been developed which generates source data for two typical structures of project graph: prime sequence and branched graph. |
Mathematical methods and algorithms of business informatics
Anna Andreeva – Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: ann.v.andreeva@gmail.com
In the current economic situation with its high level of competition and high volatility of consumer preferences, methods of management based on impersonal mass production are giving way to client-oriented ones, or CRM - Customer Relationship Management.
The article focuses on the problem of improving the efficiency of a company’s customer management by using models predicting the number of clients on the basis of Markov’s chains.
The research results in suggesting a new approach to estimating parameters of the model, predicting the number of customers by using a matrix evaluating the ratio of new customers to those who dropped out. A model has been developed, which predicts the number of customers by taking into account the intensity of transitions between groups of customers, both for the case of constant and time-varying intensity. Factors, affecting the intensity of the transition of clients, have been identified. On this basis, an integrated model of customer relationship management has been suggested, allowing taking into account specifics of consumers’ behavior and socio-demographic differences between groups of customers, both with and without budget limitations. Also, a mathematical programming problem has been formulated which when applied delivers an optimal, in the terms of the accepted quality criteria, solution to the CRM tasks. At the same time, as the parameter evaluating the management efficiency, we chose the increase of net income from a customer, but not the probability of the customer's purchase.
The practical significance of the paper is based on the fact that it offered a model of optimal customer relationship management for addressing one of the most important tasks of tactical management of a company, which takes into account a wider set of features of customer base and impact of marketing activities on different groups of customers. The model can be applied in organizations working in the sector of consumer goods, when the impact of the previous customer-company interaction has not been diagnosed yet. |
Mikhail Batsyn – Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation. E-mail: mbatsyn@hse.ru Ekaterina Batsyna – Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation. E-mail: batcyna@hse.ru In this paper we consider the problem of finding an optimal excess of loss reinsurance which maximizes the reliability (probability of no ruin) of the insurance company. We apply two approximate approaches to calculate the distribution of total payments. The first approach is based on normal approximation of the payments distribution. Using this approximation we have derived an integral equation on the optimal retention limit. The second approach is based on simulation techniques. To test the precision of our approaches we use an exact formula for the distribution of total payments known for the case when losses in one insured event are distributed uniformly. The article is published in English. Full text in English is available (see the file attached).