Software engineering
In this paper, we provide a survey of the history of cryptology the science incorporating cryptography and crypt
analysis that has become one of the most advanced knowledge areas in the computer era. We illustrate how the
advent of new codebreaking techniques fosters the development of new ciphers, while cryptographers’. |
Data analysis and intelligence systems
I. Kashirin,
S. Semchenkov
In article aspects of data processing with usage of the multidimensional analysis are considered. The main con
cepts of multidimensional model are described, classification OLAP of systems is considered. Questions of sharing
OLAP and OLTP systems are taken up, the comparative analysis of existing systems is carried out. |
This article is devoted to technology of using cellular communications in Russia for banner ad showing.
Here we investigate algorithms for selection of targeted banner ad for specified telephone subscriber and provide comparative analysis of different similarity search acceleration methods for parameters specified by cell phone
company. |
Mathematical methods and algorithms of business informatics
Mikhail Ulyanov,
O. Naumova
The article is viewing basic exact solution algorithms for the problem of onedimensional optimum for the cost
packing recursive and table algorithms. Combined and wave algorithms are suggested since rational combination
of basic algorithms allows them to have better resource characteristics. Differences in use and in the resource
requirements of suggested algorithms are indicated. |
The way of calculation of values of the LLSQmodel, in particular MLR (Multiple Linear Regression), without
estimate its parameters is offered. The offered way can be used in algorithms of search of the best somewhat the lin
ear description of the process submitted by discrete values, for example, by a time series. The recursion scheme of
calculation of parameters of the LLSQmodel, alternative to the solution of the Gauss normal equations system is
offered. |
Business processes modeling and analysis
Combinatorial scheme for design of marketing strategy is examined. The scheme consists of four stages: (a) clus
tering of good set to obtain some groups of close goods, (b) clustering of customer set to obtain some groups of close
customers (i.e., market segments), (c) assignment for each group of close goods a certain group of close customers (i.e., market segment) or several customer groups (usage of assignment problem), (d) definition of a certain market
ing strategy for each pair «group of goods group of customers» (usage of multiple choice problem while taking into
account a total constraint to implementation of all selected marketing strategies). Realistic numerical example is tar
geted to computer goods (computers, processors, software etc.). |
V. Sidorenko,
A. Krasnosel'skiy
The article is an overview of existing approaches and development tools in simulation modeling. All the three
paradigms system dynamics, discreteevent and agent modeling are depicted. An agentbased approach is considered in more details as it is comparatively seldom used in Russia but is known as an efficient tool for developing
decision support systems in business. The article has its aim to give first acquaintance with simulation modeling and
to describe that circle of problems in business where its use could be efficient. |
Information systems and technologies in business
Approach to the estimation of the productive resources is examined, which are minimally necessary for the functioning of the information systems of enterprise with the territorially distributed branches (offices). During the estimation the apparatus of the busy periods of the system of queueing with the expectation is used. The proposed
approach is directed toward the solution of the problem of the minimization of the human resources, of the productivity of servers and capacity of the circuits of the transmission of the data, spent on control of the information systems of the enterprise. |