Information systems and technologies in business
Daniel Hladky – Lecturer, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: dhladky@hse.ru
Svetlana Maltseva – Professor, head of Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, acting dean of Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: smaltseva@hse.ru
Data integration in enterprises is a crucial but at the same time costly and challenging problem. The goal of this paper is to critically analyse current state of the art methods for data integration such as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), enterprise taxonomy approach, search across data silos and database integration tools such as Master Data Management (MDM). The result of the analysis is compared to the Linked Data Paradigm and highlights the benefit of the Linked Data technology. A key focus is set on the life cycle including the conversion of raw data into RDF, the linking and fusion of entities process. As a result the author proposes to apply the Linked Data Paradigm for information integration and develops a conceptual model for the Linked Data Value Chain. The Linked Data Value Chain model is described using the participating entities, describing the roles they and type of data they can have within the process. A brief introduction to value chain, especially to the value chain within CRM is given. The paper concludes by a proof of concept using the proposed model in relation to the CRM value chain.
The article is published in English. Full text in English is available (see the file attached). |
Rafael Sukhov – Finance Manager, INO Uptime Technology. Address: 1-2, M.Vasilevskogo str., Moscow, 123098, Russian Federation. E-mail: r.sukhov@uptimetechnology.ru
Maxim Amzarakov – Director, INO Uptime Technology. Address: 1-2, M.Vasilevskogo str., Moscow, 123098, Russian Federation. E-mail: m.amzarakov@uptimetechnology.ru
Eugene Isaev – Professor, Head of Department for Education Stack Group, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: eisaev@hse.ru
The article addresses basic Data Centers (DC) drivers of price and engineering, which specify rules and price evaluation for creation and further operation. DC energy efficiency concept, its influence on DC initial price, operation costs and Total Cost of Ownership.
The article is published in English. Full text in English is available (see the file attached). |
Internet technologies
Nikolay Meshkov – Associate Professor, Department of Company Marketing, Faculty of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: nmeshkov@hse.ru
Anton Matveev – Post-Graduate Student, Department of Company Marketing, Faculty of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: porcupine-free1984@yandex.ru
The article considers the development of vital institutes of the modern society, including the regional mass-media complexes (RMMC). Each complex includes multiple interdependent economic entities. These entities interact, fulfilling one common purpose – to satisfy the regional societies' requirement for the information necessary for their proper functioning and development. RMMCs are regional segments of media and Internet space, embodying a set of information requirements and information exchange models.
The article has for its purpose to provide the theory and major characteristics of a regional mass-media complex. That involves completing the following primary objectives: - to specify the definition of “information media space” (IMS), to research the conditions of its shaping and development, as well as its innovative potential; - to develop the theory of a news and analysis RMMC web portal as a core element of IMS's innovative infrastructure; - to develop the theory of intelligent systems to control the RMMC's innovative development in information society.
The research results prove the viability of developing an information and analysis web portal as a part of a regional mass-media complex. This portal would be a global self-developing problem-oriented information system, enabling its users to operate in a non-centralized, dispersed way. This system is a means for the society and the regional government to interact, to coordinate various regional functions and processes, to create the region inhabitants' social network.
The primary functional objective of this portal is to accumulate, to store and to actualize all information relating to the region's functioning. The RMMC portal can serve as a basis for developing an intelligent system providing various heuristic and network services, as well as intelligent control of the RMMC portal. |
Mikhail Komarov – Lecturer, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: mkomarov@hse.ru
Alina Testova– Student, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: altestova@gmail.com
Web 3.0 concept was introduced several years ago to identify new generation of Web following era of social media. Ideas of this concept seem fantastic, but nowadays its active implementation has started both in whole Internet network and particularly in e-commerce.
At this moment Web 3.0 concept has several explanations. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to specify 3.0 framework, determine the most relevant methods of its application and methods of its practical use.
First step towards restructuring of business processes in accordance with Web 3.0 principles could be done by more active use of QR codes. This technology could further be supported by microcontrollers and microblogs programmed by user. The conclusion is that Web 3.0 affects three of four Ps model categories (especially product and place). Price (the fourth element of four Ps model) is affected by Web 3.0 only indirectly by way of extended analytics, risk mitigation due to improvement of procurement and delivery system, improvement of user loyalty based on high-quality afterservice, addition of new sales points and competitive expansion in the field of e-commerce. As a result of Web 3.0 implementation e-commerce will qualitatively change in all categories of four Ps marketing model. However it should be noted that cost of existing technologies, which allow implementing above mentioned capabilities, will inevitably decrease. This fact is supported by represented statistical data. |
Business processes modeling and analysis
Igor Fiodorov – Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI). Address: 7, Nezhinskaya str., Moscow, 119501, Москва, Russian Federation. E-mail: IFedorov@mesi.ru
Software engineering has developed methods of systems design allowing to develop models providing coordination between diagrams describing different aspects of one system. While modeling a process, the systematic approach can not be applied. Thus the resulting model will be unbalanced, incomplete and inaccurate. If implemented, it will require clarification and redesign. In describing business processes, we are limited to separate diagrams, written in IDEF0, DFD, EPC, YAWL and BPMN notations, which are based on different model formalisms: the first one is structural decomposition of processes, the second is the model of data streams, the third is the model of workflow, the forth one is based on Petri net, and the last model’s formalism has not been yet defined. The objective of the given paper consists in analyzing methods of the formal presentation, used in the basic notations of business process modeling and identifying the major principles of system modeling providing the coherence and mutual coordination between various aspects of business process models.
The research suggests that none of the diagram types, used within business processes modeling, allows to depict simultaneously temporal changes of all entitles required for describing the changes in the system’s behavior. The research provides principles which allow to take into account the omitted modeling steps.
The research proves that the control flow is formed by the movement of the controlled object. It is also associated with the status value characterizing the system status. The analysis showed that the control flow diagram is most applicable for the dynamic business process modeling. This diagram initially represents the greatest number of objects to describe the system behavior dynamics passing only states. The diagram in BPMN notation should be considered within the flow graph formalism and with allowances made for suggestions. The practical affect of ideas provided by this study includes the separating criteria formulation for flow processes. |
Data analysis and intelligence systems
Tatyana Bogdanova – Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: tanbog@hse.ru
Timofey Shevgunov – Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering, Moscow Aviation Institute. Address: 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation. E-mail: shevgunov@gmail.com
Olga Uvarova– Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: ouvarova@hse.ru
Selection of reliable business partners represents a typical task, where the decision-makers have to assess the financial position of a great number of potential contractors.
The study comes up with a method of assessing long-term financial credibility of an enterprise based on processing of a system of financial performance indicators using neural networks. Neural networks are usually used in financial performance assessment applications for creating black-box models through predetermined algorithms and selected software. This can be suitable for a typical business user but keeps critical details of the subject area hidden from researchers and analysts. This study intends to fill the gap and provide a substantive base for creating effective prediction models.
The study summarizes on a neural network method of financial credibility assessment, for which principal recommendations are developed with regard to the selection and possible variations of a neural network structure. Prediction models have been then synthesized for predicting inability to pay by Russian processing industry enterprises. The model has been tested against an analysis of financial position of Russian processing industry enterprises using their financial statements. Explanation is given for factors contributing to the enhanced accuracy of predictions made by the neural network model compared with the existing logistic regression-based models.
Although no goal was set in the study to identify an optimal system of financial indicators for assessment of an enterprise’s financial credibility, the proposed approach can be applied in conjunction with any combination of financial indicators that ensures sufficient coverage of business aspects of an enterprise subjected to screening. |
Mathematical methods and algorithms of business informatics
Yuri Smetanin – Chief Researcher, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences. Address: 40, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation. E-mail: smetanin.iury2011@yandex.ru
Mikhail Ulyanov – Professor, Software Management Department, School of Software Engineering, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: muljanov@mail.ru
The main task for research of univariate and multivariate time series is improving their behavior prediction accuracy and increasing relevance of respective prediction models. In this view time series structures are studied, different classifications reflecting generating processes are introduced, and different prediction methods and mathematical tools are proposed. However time series are typically classified by one criteria which is generally quantitative instead of qualitative.
This article proposes an approach for time series study based on determination of Kolmogorov complexity of character strings which represent time series in space of words of certain alphabet. Proposed partition of values into semisegments for character coding is based on bicriteria histograming method. Obtained Kolmogorov complexity assessment data is a basis for time series complexity measure, which is one of axes in time series cluster space in character value coding. Moreover the article describes transition from character value coding to character trend coding which allows introducing additional coordinate into time series cluster space.
Further research of relationship between prediction methods and time series clusters will allow identifying the most rational methods relating to cluster groups. The most interesting and significant task is a generation of coordinate axes in cluster space in line with introduction of distance function in order to determine metric space structure in such coordinate space. |
Victor Marshirov – Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation. E-mail: vmarshirov@hse.ru
Larisa Marshirova – Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Faculty of Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation. E-mail: lmarshirova@hse.ru
The measurement of monetary and temporal expenses related to software development is complicated due to the necessity of considering multiple factors, i.e. the level of abstraction, complexity and volume. That is why the metrics applied to-date take into account the basic phases of software development. These metrics, however, do not involve the employees' motivation for the ultimate result and the specific aspects of developers' work.
To improve the mechanism of motivating programmers for achieving the ultimate result, the paper offers a complex evaluation procedure to assess their work. This procedure involves the method of setting priorities based on T. Saatie's hierarchy theory.
The paper justifies and rates the qualitative value of factors affecting complex assessment of software developers' individual work; the paper also provides the algorithm of setting priorities, allowing to transfer qualitative factors of individual work into quantitative. The paper reveals the factors having a dominant influence on complex assessment of individual work of software developers and provides the algorithm of calculating the factors' importance depending on the objectives faced by the developer team. Thereupon the paper offers the procedures of ranking developers by every factor, with consideration given to the extent of factor variation depending on the objects evaluated; the paper also provides detailed calculations of software developers' individual work assessment.
Employing the procedure offered allows to acquire more justified priority values of the objects evaluated in comparison to the traditional points system, which is subjective and allows to choose factors, the frequency of calculating and the rules of building pair-wise comparison matrixes depending on the objectives faced by the developer team or the organization as a whole. The procedure allows to adjust the rules of management accounting to improve personnel management for completing strategic and tactical objectives of the organization. This approach is applicable for other purposes, i.e. building groups for new projects, salary increases, determining the necessity of arranging personnel training to improve their professional and personal qualities. |
Standardization, certification, quality, innovations
Roman Vasiliev – Professor, Head of Department of Information Systems Strategic Management, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: rvasiliev@hse.ru
Galina Levochkina – Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems Strategic Management, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: glevochkina@hse.ru
To develop and implement methodological, technological and technical IT solutions reflecting the demands of enterprises and organizations and aimed at achieving their business goals, the market needs specialists equally knowledgeable and highly qualified in informatics, IT, economics and management. Such specialists are trained within the Business Informatics educational programs. The students of this program demonstrate the knowledge and competences they have acquired when defending their thesis for MA in Business Informatics. A Master’s thesis must comply with certain standards, which is impossible without carrying out thorough analysis of the quality of papers submitted earlier and making corrections to the thesis development process.
The article targets the following objectives: to define the requirements and evaluation criteria for Master's thesis in Business Informatics and propose methods of assessing the quality of the work; to apply these criteria to the papers submitted at the Department of Information systems strategic management, Higher School of Economics; to propose solutions allowing to improve the quality of Master’s theses submitted.
In order to achieve these objectives, the authors use the methods of classification, analysis and synthesis, etc. The information basis of the research includes regulatory documents defining diploma preparation and defense of Master’s theses at the Faculty of Business Informatics in HSE, as well as the archive of diploma which had been submitted to the department during 2006 – 2012.
The paper identifies the requirements and evaluation criteria for the Master’s theses in Business Informatics. Based on these criteria, the authors conducted an analysis of the quality of diploma papers submitted to the Department of Information systems strategic management. The analysis resulted in developing propositions allowing to improve the process of building up the competences necessary for furthering a quality Master’s theses. |
Legal aspects of business informatics
Vladimir Elin – Associate Professor, Department of Information Security Management, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: velin@hse.ru
Due to the integration processes in the fight against cybercrime, at the end of 2012 the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation included Art. 159-6, providing criminal penalties for fraud in the sphere of computer information. The disposition of this article is directly related to the relevant regulations of the European Convention on Cybercrime, ETS № 185. Thus, there is a situation when our country, not formally participating in the Convention, actually develops its own legislation in the vector defined by the existing international practice. At this, we should take into account the peculiarities of legal regulation of information processes in our country in general and the specifics of data circulation, in particular that of the lack of the Law on electronic document, non-acceptance of information as an object of civil legal problems of proof material consequences of the act. Legal regulation of information processes in the Russian society is implementing standards for Information Law, which is a completely new sphere lacking sufficiently developed legal support.
The article describes the characteristics of the offense stipulated by Art. 159-6 of the Russian Criminal Code, the specifics of the computer information as a tool and means of committing crimes in the property sector, socially dangerous consequences of computer fraud. The assignment of the object of the offense to the property will inevitably give rise to the problems in practical application of Art. 159-6 of the Criminal Code to the issues related to the information holder, the amount of damage, property characteristics of data, cause-and-effect relationships between lawful acts and harmful effects, etc. Given the characteristics of the information relations in the field of storage, processing or transmission of computer information, the paper offers recommendations to improve the disposition of the Article. |